Donate to ACRES
Would you like to do something more to support the work of ACRES? Why not consider making a donation to ACRES to further our efforts to disseminate new information about rural education and provide support for educators and service providers in rural communities?
ACRES is a non-profit professional organization registered in the State of Utah. All donations will be recognized with a formal written acknowledgement for your records. We recommend you check with your accountant or tax preparer to determine whether and how your donation may be counted as a tax-deductible contribution.
What will a Donation to ACRES Accomplish?
ACRES will use your money to fund activities such as complimentary memberships for targeted populations, special conference events, new monographs or other special publications, student scholarships, and advocacy efforts.
If you like, you may designate specific activities on the donor information form to be sure your money is used for the projects that are most important to you. ACRES will use the money to support the activities you designate consistent with its mission and purpose.
You may also want to use your donation to honor someone you love by providing the person’s name on the donor information form. ACRES will be happy to acknowledge this individual in the activity (such as John Smith Turner Memorial Lecture or Jenny Jones Memorial Scholarship) so that others know what made him or her deserving of such recognition.
To Donate Now by Credit Card
Click the link below or on the sidebar to make a donation through the online portal. You can sign in if you are already a member, or click
the drop-down menu and select "upcoming events" and choose the "ACRES Donations"
To make a donation, you must "register" and buy a "ticket" for an "event" at one of the preset price levels below. You may donate other amounts by adding "attendees." For example, to make a $40 donation, purchase "silent auction tickets" for four "attendees."
$10.00 Silent Auction
$25.00 Chick
$50.00 Hatchling
$100.00 Fledgling
$500.00 Eaglet
$1000.00 Eagle
To Donate by Check or Purchase Order
Download and print this form, and follow the directions for mailing the form and payment to ACRES Headquarters.
If you need assistance with the payment process, please contact ACRES Headquarters at 304-293-3450.
NOTE: A $15 service charge will be assessed on all denied credit card payments or returned checks.
Help Us Solicit Donations to ACRES
ACRES needs resources to support its work in disseminating information and engaging in advocacy on behalf of individuals with exceptionalities, family members, professionals, and schools and agencies in rural communities. Donations are an important source of funding for ACRES activities especially monographs, policy briefs, scholarships, and awards.
If you are an existing member, please share information about ACRES (and a ;ink to this web site) with individuals and groups who may be interested in supporting ACRES’ efforts with a financial contribution.