Rural Special Education Quarterly
Rural Special Education Quarterly (RSEQ),
published by the Hammill Institute on Disabilities and SAGE, is the
quarterly refereed journal of the American Council on Rural Special Education
(ACRES). RSEQ is the only national scholarly publication devoted to
topics and issues in service delivery or personnel preparation in rural special
education and disability services. The purpose of
is to provide a forum for presentation of new research findings, description
of innovative program models or current best practices, analysis of local, state,
and national policies, and discussion of issues and trends for special education
and related services personnel working in rural communities.
ACRES members receive a
free subscription to RSEQ.
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Learn how to submit manuscripts to RSEQ
Published quarterly since 1981, RSEQ is the only national scholarly publication focused entirely on:- presentation of experimental or applied research that examines variables affecting rural programs or personnel;
- analysis of policy developments at the state and federal levels that have important implications for rural areas;
- description of program models or promising practices appropriate for rural schools or community agencies serving individuals with special needs; and
- thought-provoking discussion of regional or national issues and trends in rural service delivery or personnel preparation.
- Research reports: empirical or applied research that use appropriate methods, report significant findings, and offer implications for policy, practice or research;
- Program descriptions: innovations in service delivery or personnel preparation, with detailed descriptions of procedures and objective evaluation of outcomes;
- Position papers: discussions of current issues and trends, with literature review and recommendations for policy, practice or research;
- Practice in action: helpful ideas and examples for direct implementation by practitioners, with sufficient detail for immediate application; and
- Viewpoints: opinions supported by a clear rationale and convincing evidence about hot topics or controversial issues to share perspectives and stimulate discussion.
The RSEQ Executive Editor is a leading education professional who has been recognized for substantial expertise and a distinguished record of scholarly activity in rural special education and disability services. The Executive Editor is selected by the ACRES Board of Directors for a term of 5 years and is responsible for appointing members of the RSEQ Editorial Board, overseeing the manuscript process, and maintaining the integrity and quality of the journal.
List of Rural Special Education Quarterly EditorsThe RSEQ Editorial Board is composed of distinguished professionals with a national recognition for expertise related to multiple topics and issues in special education and disability services in rural schools and communities. The Editorial Board meets with the Executive Editor at each annual conference to discussion journal policies and procedures.
Mentoring and support for new authors is available prior to and during the submission process. Manuscripts are judged according to a blind review by three members of the Editorial Board with a final decision by the Executive Editor; the review process typically takes about two to four months. Please review the author submission guidelines on the RSEQ website.