ACRES Advocacy Efforts
The American Council on Rural Special Education (ACRES) is actively engaged in
advocacy efforts to influence policies, programs and practices that impact special
education in rural communities.
ACRES Participation
Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities
ACRES is a member of the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD), a national coalition of professional and consumer organizations that work together to advocate for public policies in the United States that promote empowerment and inclusion of children and adults with disabilities. More information about CCD and its activities is available at:
Coalition on Teacher Quality
ACRES is a member of the Coalition on Teacher Quality (CTQ), a national coalition of professional and consumer organizations working together to advocate for public policies in the United States that promote a stable supply of fully prepared and effective teachers for all students, including students with disabilities. More information about CTQ and its activities is available at:
ACRES in some years provides a special award to recognize a special educator who has demonstrated significant leadership rural special education with accomplishments that reflect advocacy efforts that are national in scope. The Board of Directors nominates and selects individuals for this award, but members are welcome to suggest individuals to a Board member with appropriate supporting documentation. indidviuals may not nominate themselves for this award.
List of ACRES Eagle Award RecipientsJoin ACRES Advocacy Efforts
ACRES Policy Statements
When major issues emerge in the field, the ACRES Advisory Board may adopt and publish Policy Statements that clarify ACRES position on an issue and recommendations for changes that can be used to inform public policy debate about the impact of specific policies, programs or practices related to personnel preparation or service delivery in rural special education.
To make sure that rural voices are heard, the Board may sometimes provide a template for a letter that members and other interested individuals can use in contacting their representatives in the United States Congress. Letters may be sent via surface mail or as attachments to email messages that communicate the needs of rural special education teachers, students and their families, and related service personnel to senators and representatives.
ACRES Policy Brief (2017)
- Highly Qualified Teacher Provisions
CTQ Statement on Teacher Preparation Regulations (2016)
CTQ FY14 Senate Appropriations Letter (2013)
CTQ HQT Data Collection Comments (2014)
CTQ Profession-Ready Teachers and Principals (2014)
CTQ Excellent Educators for Each and Every Child (2014)
- Re-authorization of ESEA and IDEA